Node and block-based development tools for distributed systems with AI applications

  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are one of the most promising and disruptive areas of current research and development. However, these areas require deep knowledge in multiple disciplines such as sensors, protocols, embedded programming, distributed systems, statistics and algorithms. This broad knowledge is not easy to acquire and the software used to design these systems is becoming increasingly complex. Small and medium-sized enterprises therefore have problems in developing new business ideas. However, node- and block-based software tools have also been released and are freely available as open source toolboxes. In this paper, we present an overview of multiple node- and block-based software tools to develop IoT- and AI-based business ideas. We arrange these tools according their capabilities and further propose extension and combinations of tools to design a useful open-source library for small and medium-sized enterprises, that is easy to use and helps with rapid prototyping, enabling new business ideas to be developed using distributed computing.

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Verfasserangaben:Marcel HauckORCiD, Rüdiger MachhamerORCiD, Levin CzenkuschORCiD, Klaus-Uwe GollmerORCiD, Guido Dartmann
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):IEEE Access
Dokumentart:Wissenschaftlicher Artikel (Fachzeitschriften)
Datum des OPUS-Uploads:08.11.2022
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung:15.10.2019
Datum der Freischaltung:08.11.2022
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:Internet of Things; distributed computing; machine learning; rapid prototyping; visual programming environments
GND-Schlagwort:Internet der Dinge; Künstliche Intelligenz; Maschinelles Lernen; Verteiltes System; Rapid Prototyping; Programmierumgebung
Erste Seite:143109
Letzte Seite:143119
Einrichtungen:Institute / ISS - Institut für Softwaresysteme in Wirtschaft, Umwelt und Verwaltung
DDC-Klassifikation:0 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke / 00 Informatik, Wissen, Systeme
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International