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Disconnection in a left-hemispheric temporo-parietal network impairs multiplication fact retrieval

  • Arithmetic fact retrieval has been suggested to recruit a left-lateralized network comprising perisylvian language areas, parietal areas such as the angular gyrus (AG), and non-neocortical structures such as the hippocampus. However, the underlying white matter connectivity of these areas has not been evaluated systematically so far. Using simple multiplication problems, we evaluated how disconnections in parietal brain areas affected arithmetic fact retrieval following stroke. We derived disconnectivity measures by jointly considering data from n = 73 patients with acute unilateral lesions in either hemisphere and a white-matter tractography atlas (HCP-842) using the Lesion Quantification Toolbox (LQT). Whole-brain voxel-based analysis indicated a left-hemispheric cluster of white matter fibers connecting the AG and superior temporal areas to be associated with a fact retrieval deficit. Subsequent analyses of direct gray-to-gray matter disconnections revealed that disconnections of additional left-hemispheric areas (e.g., between the superior temporal gyrus and parietal areas) were significantly associated with the observed fact retrieval deficit. Results imply that disconnections of parietal areas (i.e., the AG) with language-related areas (i.e., superior and middle temporal gyri) seem specifically detrimental to arithmetic fact retrieval. This suggests that arithmetic fact retrieval recruits a widespread left-hemispheric network and emphasizes the relevance of white matter connectivity for number processing.
Verfasserangaben:Stefan Smaczny, Christoph Sperber, Stefanie Jung, Korbinian Moeller, Hans-Otto Karnath, Elise Klein
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):NeuroImage
Dokumentart:Wissenschaftlicher Artikel (Fachzeitschriften)
Datum des OPUS-Uploads:01.02.2023
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung:05.01.2023
Veröffentlichende Hochschule:Hochschule Trier
Datum der Freischaltung:01.02.2023
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:VLSM; arithmetic fact retrieval; connectivity; disconnectome; lesion mapping
GND-Schlagwort:Hemisphäre <Anatomie>; Linke Hemisphäre; Hirnareal; Gyrus temporalis; Schlaganfall; Läsion; Substantia alba
Jahrgang:268 (2023)
Erste Seite:1
Letzte Seite:12
Einrichtungen:FB Informatik + Therapiewissenschaft
DDC-Klassifikation:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 57 Biowissenschaften; Biologie
6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 61 Medizin und Gesundheit
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International