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Journal of International and Digital Communication: Sustainability Perspectives

  • The following collection of manuscripts emerged from an international and interdisciplinary Virtual Exchange that took place during Covid-19 Pandemic in March/April 2021 organised by Prof. Milena Valeva and Prof. Kathrin Nitschmann. Covid 19 had -and still has in parts of the world- led to severe restrictions of fundamental liberties worldwide and thus enhanced debates on ethics and human rights. This debate appeared as a common denominator connecting citizens in countries all over the world. One of the concrete consequences for students was certainly the reduction of mobility, not only in the sense of not being allowed to visit the university but also in canceling planned international exchanges. In this context, the virtual exchange offered a chance not only to overcome the still lasting restrictions on mobility but also to exchange daily life experiences of students in Covid-times, merging into restrictions and/or violation of human rights in a legal and ethical dimension. Students from Peru, Israel and Bulgaria participated in the virtual exchange, which was supported by the International Teaching Award of Trier University of Applied Sciences, within the frame of of a summer school and had the opportunity to work synchronously and asynchronously in international and interdisciplinary teams on the topic COVID-19 - ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND HUMAN RIGHTS - EXPLORING INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS. Colleagues from Cape Town, Peru, Spain and Israel supported the event by their professional presentations. This special issue and at the same time first issue of the JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION: SUSTAINABILITY PERSPECTIVES is a collection of the manuscripts of the speakers, which at the same time reflects the diversity of the topics discussed and the international perspectives. Since this is a compilation of manuscripts, the authors were responsible for the scientific formulation of the texts. Content: Letlhokwa George Mpedi: Freedom of trade, occupation and profession in times of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa Larissa Glidja-Yao: Impact of COVID-19 on company & insolvency law: An overview of Luxemburgish responses Kathrin Nitschmann: On the development of compulsory vaccation in Germany in the interplay between general health protection and individual self-determination - a never-ending story? Diego Zegarra Valdivia: The use of technological tools in the fight against COVID-19 & its implications on the fundamental right to the protection of personal data - an approach José Joaquín Fernández Alles: Human rights in the new pact on migration on [and] asylum of European Union: An open society or closed society Milena Valeva & Yotam Lurie: Spinning ethical plates in times of pandemic and sustainability

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Verfasserangaben:José Joaquín Fernández Alles, Larissa Glidja-Yao, Yotam Lurie, Letlhokwa George Mpedi, Kathrin Nitschmann, Milena Valeva, Diego Zegarra Valdivia
Untertitel (Englisch):International virtual exchange - COVID-19 - Ethical Dilemmas and human rights - Exploring international dimensions
übersetzter Titel (Deutsch):Zeitschrift für internationale und digitale Kommunikation: Nachhaltigkeitsperspektiven
Verlag:Hochschule Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Fachbereich Umweltwirtschaft/Umweltrecht - Institut für Internationale und Digitale Kommunikation
Herausgeber*in:Milena Valeva, Kathrin Nitschmann
Sonstige beteiligte Person(en):Mareike-Selina Betke
Dokumentart:Zeitschriftenausgabe (Jahrgang, Heft, Band)
Datum des OPUS-Uploads:13.09.2024
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung:15.12.2022
Veröffentlichende Hochschule:Hochschule Trier
Datum der Freischaltung:13.09.2024
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:COVID-19; company law; compulsory vaccination; ethics of commons; freedom of trade; health protection; human rights; individual self-determination; insolvency law; lifeboat ethics; open society; pact on migration and asylum; pandemic; protection of personal data
Ausgabe / Heft:1 (Special Issue)
Einrichtungen:FB Umweltwirtschaft/-recht (UCB)
Institute / InDi - Institut für Internationale und Digitale Kommunikation
DDC-Klassifikation:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 30 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie
3 Sozialwissenschaften / 32 Politikwissenschaft
3 Sozialwissenschaften / 33 Wirtschaft
3 Sozialwissenschaften / 34 Recht
Zeitschriften (Journals):Zeitschrift für internationale und digitale Kommunikation: Nachhaltigkeitsperspektiven - Journal of International and Digital Communication: Sustainability Perspectives (JIDC) / JIDC, Vol. 1 (2022) / JIDC, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2022)
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY-NC - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell 4.0 International