0 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke
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- ja (3)
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- nein (3)
- Green-IT (2)
- APA 7 (1)
- American Psychological Association (APA) (1)
- Bachelorarbeit (1)
- Cyber-physisches System (1)
- Deutsch (1)
- Energieeffizienz (1)
- Energieverbrauch (1)
- Energy-efficient software (1)
- Green AI (1)
Digital transformation is both an opportunity and a challenge. To take advantage of this opportunity for humans and the environment, the transformation process must be understood as a design process that affects almost all areas of life. In this paper, we investigate AI-Based Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Process Systems (AI-CPPS) as an extension of the traditional CPS view. As contribution, we present a framework that addresses challenges that arise from recent literature. The aim of the AI-CPPS framework is to enable an adaptive integration of IoT environments with higher-level process-oriented systems. In addition, the framework integrates humans as actors into the system, which is often neglected by recent related approaches. The framework consists of three layers, i.e., processes, semantic modeling, and systems and actors, and we describe for each layer challenges and solution outlines for application. We also address the requirement to enable the integration of new networked devices under the premise of a targeted process that is optimally designed for humans, while profitably integrating AI and IoT. It is expected that AI-CPPS can contribute significantly to increasing sustainability and quality of life and offer solutions to pressing problems such as environmental protection, mobility, or demographic change. Thus, it is all the more important that the systems themselves do not become a driver of resource consumption.
In the past decade, research on measuring and assessing the environmental impact of software has gained significant momentum in science and industry. However, due to the large number of research groups, measurement setups, procedure models, tools, and general novelty of the research area, a comprehensive research framework has yet to be created. The literature documents several approaches from researchers and practitioners who have developed individual methods and models, along with more general ideas like the integration of software sustainability in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, or science communication approaches to make the resource cost of software transparent to society. However, a reference measurement model for the energy and resource consumption of software is still missing. In this article, we jointly develop the Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM), in which we bring together the core ideas of the measurement models, setups, and methods of over 10 research groups in four countries who have done pioneering work in assessing the environmental impact of software. We briefly describe the different methods and models used by these research groups, derive the components of the GSMM from them, and then we discuss and evaluate the resulting reference model. By categorizing the existing measurement models and procedures and by providing guidelines for assimilating and tailoring existing methods, we expect this work to aid new researchers and practitioners who want to conduct measurements for their individual use cases.
Im Oktober 2019 veröffentlichte die Amerikanische Psychologische Gesellschaft APA die siebte, überarbeitete Auflage ihres Publikationshandbuchs "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association". In diesem Ratgeber werden Ihnen die Grundregeln des enthaltenen Zitierregelwerks vorgestellt, ergänzt um eine Einführung in das Zitieren. Einige wenige Regeln wurden der deutschen Grammatik angepasst (z. B. hinsichtlich Kommasetzung vor "&").
1. Zitieren: Einleitung
2. Zitieren: Definitionen, Grundregeln und Plagiate
3. Zitiersysteme: Klassifikation
4. Zitiersysteme: APA – ein erster Eindruck
5. Text: Kurzbelege gestalten und platzieren
6. Text: sinngemäße Zitate
7. Text: direkte Zitate
8. Literaturverzeichnis: Inhalt und Sortierung (allgemein)
9. Literaturverzeichnis: Autor-Element (allgemein)
10. Literaturverzeichnis: Datum-Element (allgemein)
11. Literaturverzeichnis: Titel-Element (allgemein)
12. Literaturverzeichnis: Quellen-Informations-Element (allgemein)
13. Literaturverzeichnis: Quellen-DOI/URL-Element (allgemein)
14. Literaturverzeichnis: Schriftwerke
14.1 Periodika (Beiträge in Zeitschriften, Zeitungen etc.)
14.2 Bücher (Fach-, Lehrbücher, Sammel-, Nachschlagewerke u. Ä.)
14.3 Beiträge in Sammel- und Nachschlagewerken
14.4 Berichte und graue Literatur
14.5 Tagungs- und Konferenzbeiträge
14.6 Dissertationen und Abschlussarbeiten
14.7 Rezensionen und Besprechungen (in Periodika oder Blogs)
14.8 Unveröffentlichte und informell veröffentlichte Werke
14.9 Normblätter
14.10 Patentschriften
14.11 Spezial: Juristische Texte
15. Datensätze, Software und Tests
15.1 Datensätze
15.2 Software, mobile Apps, Apparaturen und Ausrüstung
16. Tests, Skalen und Messinstrumente
17. Audiovisuelle Medien
17.1 Audiovisuelle Werke (allgemein)
17.2 Ton-Bild-Werke (Filme etc.)
17.3 Tonwerke (Musikalben etc.)
17.4 Bildwerke (Karten etc.)
18. Online-Medien
18.1 Soziale Medien
18.2 Webseiten und Websites
19. Abbildungszitate gemäß APA
20. Zitiersysteme: APA-Handbuch und -Zitierhilfen
21. Zitiersysteme: Alternativen
22. Extra: Tipps für das Zusammenstellen einer Literaturgrundlage